2016年10月増刊号 Vol.32 No.14

放射線科医必携 単純X線写真サイン集

臨床画像 2016年10月増刊号
定価 5,500円(税込) (本体5,000円+税)
  • B5判  204ページ  
  • 2016年10月1日刊行


■特集:放射線科医必携 単純X線写真サイン集  企画・編集:栗原泰之
 1 air crescent sign(meniscus sign)/松下彰一郎ほか
 2 apical cap
 3 big rib sign/vertical displacement sign
 4 black pleura sign
 5 butterfly(bat's wing)sign
 6 continuous diaphragm sign
 7 double contour (density)sign
 8 epicardial fat pad sign
 9 extrapleural sign/京坂朋来
 10 finger–in–glove sign
 11 Hampton's hump(Hampton hump)
 12 holly leaf sign
 13 incomplete border sign
 14 intercostal lung bulging
 15 juxtaphrenic peak sign/宮沢 亮
 16 Luftsichel sign
 17 medial tripe sign
 18 inferior rib notching
 19 S sign of golden
 20 saber sheath trachea sign/猿谷真二
 21 scimitar sign
 22 silhouette sign
 23 thickened posterior tracheal stripe sign
 24 thymic wave sign
 25 tram line
 26  vertebral fade off sign(loss of more
 black sign,spine sign)
 27 water bottle sign or configuration
 28 Westermark sign

 1 fat necrosis sign/宮㟢友理ほか
 2 absent gastric air bubble sign
 3 bladder sign
 4 Chilaiditi’s sign
 5 coffee bean sign
 6 coil spring appearance(herring bone)大熊正剛ほか
 7 colon cut–off sign
 8 dog's ears sign
 9 flank stripe sign
 10 gasless abdomen
 11 ground glass sign/三浦剛史ほか
 12 Hellmer's sign
 13 hepatic angle sign
 14 iliac crest sign
 15 pseudotumor sign
 16 psoas sign/浅田達徳ほか
 17 renal halo sign(perirenal fat sign)
 18 rigid loop sign(persisitent loop sign)
 19 sentinel loop sign
 20 step ladder appearance
 21 string of beads sign(caterpillar sign)/小林真梨子ほか
 22 thumb printing
 23 toxic megacolon
 24 triangle sign
 25 urachus sign

 1 Hawkins sign/齋藤祐貴ほか
 2  boutonniere deformity & swan neck deformity
 3 spilled teacup sign
 4 scaphoid cortical ring sign/Terry Thomas sign
 5 heel pad sign/本田真希子ほか
 6 crescent sign
 7 winking owl sign(pedicle sign)
 8 wasp–waist sign
 9 pronator quadratus fat stripe sign
 10 herniation pit/越智純子ほか
 11 pistol grip deformity
 12 arcuate sign
 13 blade of grass sign
 14 salt and pepper sign
 15 bamboo spine/黒﨑貴久ほか
 16 cotton wool sign
 17 drooping shoulder sign
 18 fallen fragment sign
 19 FBI sign
 20 anteater nose sign/半田淳比古
 21 C sign
 22 rugger jersey spine sign
 23 ivory vertebra sign
 24 vertebra plana

 1 lacunar skull/松原佳子
 2 empty orbit sign
 3 sail sign
 4 notch sign/wavy sign
 5 spinnaker sail sign
 6 shaggy heart sign/市田和香子ほか
 7 tracheal buckling
 8 coil up sign
 9 hilum overlay sign
 10 inverted V sign/steeple sign
 11 cervicothoracic sign/藤川あつ子
 12 thoracicoabdominal sign
 13 football sign
 14 inverted V sign
 15 double wall sign/Rigler sign
 16 single/double bubble sign/藤井裕太
 17 pneumatosis intestinalis
 18 right colon cut-off sign
 19 posterior fat pad sign
 20 Scotty dogs sign






